
  • October 2024: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for ISCA 2025 as a Light PC member.
  • June 2024: Our paper entitled “Activation Sequence Caching: High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Generative Inference with a Single GPU” has been accepted to PACT 2024. This is collaborative work with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).
  • June 2024: Prof. Baek has been awarded a research grant by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).

  • June 2024: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2024.
  • November 2023: Our paper entitled “COSMOS: Coordinated Management of Cores, Memory, and Compressed Memory Swap for QoS-Aware and Efficient Workload Consolidation for Memory-Intensive Applications” has been accepted to IEEE Access. This is collaborative work with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).
  • May 2023: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2023.
  • May 2023: Prof. Baek has been awarded a research grant by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).

  • April 2023: Our paper entitled “MARF: A Memory-Aware CLFLUSH-Based Intra- and Inter-CPU Side-Channel Attack” has been accepted to ESORICS 2023. Congratulations to Sowoong and Myeonggyun!
  • May 2022: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for DATE 2023.
  • May 2022: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2022.
  • April 2022: Prof. Baek has been awarded a research grant by Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).

  • November 2021: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for CCGrid 2022.
  • October 2021: Our paper entitled “DPrime+DAbort: A High-Precision and Timer-Free Directory-Based Side-Channel Attack in Non-Inclusive Cache Hierarchies using Intel TSX” has been accepted to HPCA 2022. Congratulations to Sowoong and Myeonggyun!
  • July 2021: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for DATE 2022.
  • July 2021: Our paper entitled “HERTI: a Reinforcement Learning-Augmented System for Efficient Real-Time Inference on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems” has been accepted to PACT 2021. Congratulations to Myeonggyun!
  • July 2021: Professors in the systems research group in CSE at UNIST have been awarded the ICT Research Center (ITRC) grant. Prof. Baek will serve as the PI of the project. Our research on system software support for hyper-composable datacenters will be funded by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) for up to 8 years (from 2021 to 2028, 6B KRW (~6M USD)).
  • May 2021: Prof. Baek is invited to serve as a founding editor for TBench.
  • May 2021: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2021.
  • March 2021: Prof. Baek has been awarded a research grant for mid-career researchers by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). Our research on holistic and heterogeneity-aware server resource management techniques for efficient workload consolidation with SLO guarantees will be funded by NRF from 2021 to 2025.
  • February 2021: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for PACT 2021.
  • January 2021: Our paper entitled “PALM: Progress- and Locality-Aware Adaptive Task Migration for Efficient Thread Packing” has been accepted to IPDPS 2021. Congratulations to Jinsu, Seongbeom, and Myeonggyun!
  • December 2020: Myeonggyun Han has been selected as a NAVER PhD Fellow. Congratulations to Myeonggyun!
  • October 2020: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for CCGrid 2021.
  • September 2020: Our paper entitled “Design and Implementation of a Criticality- and Heterogeneity-Aware Runtime System for Task-Parallel Applications” has been accepted to TPDS. Congratulations to Myeonggyun and Jinsu!
  • September 2020: Our paper entitled “SDRP: Safe, Efficient, and SLO-Aware Workload Consolidation through Secure and Dynamic Resource Partitioning” has been accepted to TSC. Congratulations to Myeonggyun!
  • June 2020: Prof. Baek has been selected as a recipient of Most Influential PLDI Paper Award.
  • April 2020: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for FAST 2021.
  • March 2020: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for DATE 2021.
  • March 2020: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2020.
  • January 2020: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for PACT 2020.
  • October 2019: Our paper entitled “Hotness- and Lifetime-Aware Data Placement and Migration for High-Performance Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Memory Systems” has been accepted to TC. Congratulations to Myeonggyun, Jihoon, and Seongbeom!
  • September 2019: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for ISC 2020.
  • September 2019: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for CCGrid 2020.
  • July 2019: Our paper entitled “MOSAIC: Heterogeneity-, Communication-, and Constraint-Aware Model Slicing and Execution for Accurate and Efficient Inference” has been accepted to PACT 2019. Congratulations to Myeonggyun, Jihoon, Seongbeom, and Jinsu!
  • May 2019: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for DATE 2020.
  • April 2019: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2019.
  • December 2018: Our paper entitled “CoPart: Coordinated Partitioning of Last-Level Cache and Memory Bandwidth for Fairness-Aware Workload Consolidation on Commodity Servers” has been accepted to EuroSys 2019. Congratulations to Jinsu and Seongbeom!
  • December 2018: Our paper entitled “Analyzing and Optimizing the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Transactional Scientific Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Systems with HTM Support” has been accepted to JPDC. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • December 2018: Our collaborative paper entitled “Holistic VM Placement for Distributed Parallel Applications in Heterogeneous Clusters” has been accepted to TSC.
  • November 2018: Jinsu Park has been selected as a NAVER PhD Fellow. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • August 2018: Our paper entitled “Improving the Performance and Energy Efficiency of GPGPU Computing through Integrated Adaptive Cache Management” has been accepted to TPDS. Congratulations to Kyu Yeun and Jinsu!
  • August 2018: Our paper entitled “BLPP: Improving the Performance of GPGPUs with Heterogeneous Memory through Bandwidth- and Latency-Aware Page Placement” has been accepted to ICCD 2018. Congratulations to Kyu Yeun!
  • July 2018: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for Bench 2018.
  • June 2018: Our paper entitled “HyPart: A Hybrid Technique for Practical Memory Bandwidth Partitioning on Commodity Servers” has been accepted to PACT 2018. Congratulations to Jinsu, Seongbeom, Myeonggyun, and Jihoon!
  • April 2018: Our paper entitled “CEML: a Coordinated Runtime System for Efficient Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Computing Systems” has been accepted to Euro-Par 2018. Congratulations to Jihoon, Jinsu, Kyu Yeun, and Seongdae!
  • April 2018: ISSL has recently started a research project on Neuromorphic Computing Software Platform for Artificial Intelligence Systems. This research project will be funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) from 2018 to 2022.
  • March 2018: Our paper entitled “Secure and Dynamic Core and Cache Partitioning for Safe and Efficient Server Consolidation” has been selected as a Best Paper Finalist at CCGrid 2018.
  • March 2018: Jinsu Park’s application has been accepted to the IPDPS 2018 PhD Forum. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • March 2018: Prof. Baek has been awarded the basic research grant by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). Our research on system software techniques for high-performance, secure, and QoS-aware large-scale big-data processing will be funded by NRF from 2018 to 2021.
  • January 2018: Our paper entitled “RPPC: a Holistic Runtime System for Maximizing Performance under Power Capping” has been accepted to CCGrid 2018. Congratulations to Jinsu and Seongbeom!
  • January 2018: Our paper entitled “Secure and Dynamic Core and Cache Partitioning for Safe and Efficient Server Consolidation” has been accepted to CCGrid 2018. Congratulations to Myeonggyun and Seongdae!
  • December 2017: Our paper entitled “Quantifying the Performance and Energy-Efficiency Impact of Hardware Transactional Memory on Scientific Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Systems” has been accepted to IPDPS 2018. This paper is one of the top 8% papers (=38/461), which have been directly accepted in the first round of the review process. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • December 2017: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for BPOE 2018.
  • December 2017: Myeonggyun Han won a silver prize (i.e., the second place among the 31 participating teams) in the NAVER UNIST Undergraduate Poster Awards (UUPA) competition. Congratulations to Myeonggyun!
  • March 2017: Our paper entitled “Design and Implementation of Bandwidth-Aware Memory Placement and Migration Policies for Heterogeneous Memory Systems” has been accepted to ICS 2017. Congratulations to Seongdae and Seongbeom!
  • February 2017: Prof. Baek is invited to serve on the program committee for NVMSA 2017.
  • November 2016: The professors at UNIST, SNU, and SKKU have been awarded a research grant for developing a PFLOPS-scale high-performance computing system by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). ISSL is a proud member of this exciting research project. This research project will be funded from 2017 to 2022.
  • November 2016: Our paper entitled “CHRT: a Criticality- and Heterogeneity-Aware Runtime System for Task-Parallel Applications” has been accepted to DATE 2017. Congratulations to Myeonggyun and Jinsu!
  • November 2016: Our collaborative paper entitled “Failure-Atomic Slotted Paging for Persistent Memory” has been accepted to ASPLOS 2017.
  • July 2016: Our paper entitled “IACM: Integrated Adaptive Cache Management for High-Performance and Energy-Efficient GPGPU Computing” has been accepted to ICCD 2016. Congratulations to Kyu Yeun and Jinsu!
  • July 2016: Our paper entitled “Quantifying the Performance Impact of Large Pages on In-Memory Big-Data Workloads” has been accepted to IISWC 2016. Congratulations to Jinsu and Myeonggyun!
  • July 2016: Our paper entitled “RMC: an Integrated Runtime System for Adaptive Many-Core Computing” has been accepted to EMSOFT 2016. Congratulations to Jinsu and Eunbi!
  • June 2016: Our paper entitled “HAPT: Hardware-Accelerated Persistent Transactions” has been accepted to NVMSA 2016. Congratulations to Seunghoe!
  • May 2016: Our paper entitled “RCHC: a Holistic Runtime System for Concurrent Heterogeneous Computing” has been accepted to ICPP 2016. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • April 2016: Jinsu Park has been selected as a 53rd DAC Richard Newton Young Fellow. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • April 2016: Our paper entitled “HAP: a Heterogeneity-Conscious Runtime System for Adaptive Pipeline Parallelism” has been accepted to Euro-Par 2016. Congratulations to Jinsu!
  • March 2016: Jinsu Park and Seongbeom Park have joined ISSL as MS/Ph.D students. Sungdae Yu has joined ISSL as an MS student.
  • January 2016: Our paper entitled “Quantifying the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Advanced Cache Indexing for GPGPU Computing” has been accepted to the Journal on Microprocessors and Microsystems. Congratulations to Kyu Yeun!
  • November 2015: Our collaborative paper entitled “NVWAL: Exploiting NVRAM in Write-Ahead-Logging” has been accepted to ASPLOS 2016.
  • July 2015: The professors in the systems research group of CSE at UNIST have been awarded a research grant for developing a high-performance Big Data platform by Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP). ISSL is a proud member of this exciting research project. This research project will be funded from 2015 to 2019.
  • April 2015: Our paper entitled “On the Feasibility of Advanced Cache Indexing for High-Performance and Energy-Efficient GPGPU Computing” has been accepted to MES 2015. Congratulations to Kyu Yeun and Seunghoe!
  • March 2015: Kyu Yeun Kim has joined ISSL as an MS/Ph.D student.
  • February 2015: Our paper entitled “HARS: a Heterogeneity-Aware Runtime System for Self-Adaptive Multithreaded Applications” has been accepted to DAC 2015. Congratulations to Jaeyoung and Jinsu!
  • May 2014: Prof. Baek has been awarded the research grant for Young Researchers by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). Our research on system software and hardware techniques for highly-scalable many-core computing will be funded by NRF from 2014 to 2017.
  • April 2014: ISSL has recently started a research project on the design and implementation of a self-adaptive software framework for embedded IoT devices. This research project will be funded by Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP) from 2014 to 2017.
  • March 2014: Jaeyoung Yun has joined ISSL as an MS student.